Working in partnership, Genus ABS and Meadow Quality Ltd created a British Blue performance testing programme called Momentum™. The aim of the programme is to collect more Real-World-Data™ on British Blue progeny from dairy bred herds and identify genetics that add value in the beef supply chain.
Powered by NuEra Genetics, the genetic engine behind our British Blue breeding programme, we can utilise the data captured to make genetic progress faster in the beef industry. Other industries within agriculture have made huge advancements in genetics, such as genomics, the beef industry is slower in these advancements due to lack of data and fragmented supply chains. Projects like Momentum are designed to streamline the data collection to identify and create more profitable and sustainable beef genetics.

How Momentum Works
- Dairy farmer breeds dairy cows to NuEra Genetics British Blue sires.
- Genus ABS collect calving survey data through the Beef Cornerstone programme.
- Meadow Quality purchase calves by specific sires for the Momentum project.
- Purchased calves go through a rearing system.
- Reared calves enter Momentum unit and start feed efficiency trial period.
- All cattle that enter the Momentum unit are finished through to slaughter.
Getting involved
- Sign up to Beef Cornerstone for the latest British Blue young sire.
- Receive young sire units and return all insemination data to Genus ABS.
- 9 months later…
- Register sire ID with BCMS and attached Beef Cornerstone sticker to calf passport.
- Return the completed Beef Calving Survey to Genus ABS within 30 days of birth to get £10 credit.
- Meadow Quality purchase the calf within their specification – £20 premium available*.
* Incentive on calf price available on the first 30 progeny collected per sire, calf must be within Meadow Quality specifications.
To discuss further, please contact Gemma Wark on 07814 184909 or